You can freely hike through the ruins of a hauntingly beautiful fort in South Carolina on Saint Helena Island. In spite of the fact that this fort saw no wartime action, it remains one of the most haunted trails in the state. We suggest that whatever you do, do not come alone to take what may be the creepiest hike in South Carolina! Curious about haunted hiking trails? This hike to ruins in South Carolina is perfect.
Welcome to Fort Fremont! For some, it's just a walk in the park to explore the ruins of Fort Fremont. But for others...
...especially for those who are sensitive to paranormal activities, hiking through Fort Fremont can be a harrowing experience.
The fort was built in 1899 during the era of the Spanish-American War.
It saw no action in actual battles. It was, however, erected to protect certain interests along the coast during the Spanish-American War.
You may be wondering how, if it wasn't involved in any battles, it could possibly be haunted.
That in and of itself is an interesting tale.
Around 1910, approximately 10 years before the fort was completely decommissioned, the soldiers stationed at Fort Fremont got in a little skirmish with the locals.
Stories that followed that skirmish attribute the issue to either the local's production of moonshine, or probably more accurately, one particular soldier who was accused of sleeping with another man's wife.That soldier's name was Frank J. Quigley and we know that because Quigley was brutally killed in the skirmish.
We also know that Quigley was killed by a local named Isiah Potter, who accused Quigley of the dastardly action of sleeping with Potter's wife. To this day, paranormal-sensitive individuals claim to have encounters with Quigley while visiting the ruins of the fort.
And there's a nearby road that features an unexplained light, called the Lands End Light, that's attributed to Quigley. It's said that Quigley was decapitated during the fight and the unexplained light along the highway is actually Quigley walking around looking for his head.
This brief documentary about the Fort can offer a little more information about its history:
Have you ever taken the creepiest hike in South Carolina here at the ruins of Fort Fremont? Ever had a paranormal encounter here? We'd love to hear all about it in the comments! Do you know of any other haunted hiking trails in SC? Let us know.
After this hike, you may still be on the hunt for more fun things to do in South Carolina, and that's where Airbnb Experiences comes in. You can find all sorts of exciting activities offered by the locals from cooking classes to group hikes.
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