No matter the time of year, we're always up for hearing a spooky tale about an allegedly haunted place! Lucky for us there are quite a few right here in New Hampshire. And you can find them all over the place. From entire towns to islands to cabins high in the mountains, if you're looking for a scare there are plenty to be had. Including at this inn with a very creepy past.
The Tilton Inn has been tucked away in Tilton since 1875. In fact, some people just refer to it as "The 1875 Inn."
While the location makes it a great option for visitors looking to explore some of the best spots in the state, we’d argue that just spending the time offers an activity! That’s because the inn is said to be one of the most haunted spots in both the state and the country!
But the history isn’t all spooky. With guests like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, the history is just plain interesting!
But notable guests aside, there are definitely some creepy stories to be told. For instance, the building burned down no less than three times! We can probably all agree that three times is a bit above average for one building to burn.
Plus, there are all the tales of ghosts and hauntings. One of the ghosts, a 12-year old girl named Laura, is said to have died in one of the fires. Her family lived in the hotel during the 1800s and her spirit is said to roam the inn. And you might feel her spirit in areas like the upstairs rooms and the dining room.
People have reported sensing Laura by feeling inexplicable cold areas as well as hearing noises with no obvious source.
Not sure about all of this? The TAPS Rhode Island investigative team thinks you should! They visited the inn and confirmed the paranormal activity. And while the idea of a ghost might be scary, most people say that running into Laura isn’t too worrisome.
But, haunting aside the Tilton Inn and their restaurant is lovely!
Each of the ten rooms has its own distinct aesthetic and unique name — and you can even rent larger apartments for longer stays on the third floor.
The Tilton Inn is open throughout the year. You can learn more about it, its history, and even book yourself a room by visiting their website. And be sure to follow them on Facebook. You can reach them on 603-286-7774.
To make an entire day out of being scared check out this haunted road trip leading to the scariest places in New Hampshire.
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