Mother Nature always wins in the end, and these ten abandoned places in Massachusetts are proof. These places were all once important or luxurious, but they’re now decaying in the most fascinating ways. Take a look at these abandoned spots across the state with incredible histories.

Please note: some of these places are off-limits to the public. Please obey all trespassing laws and be respectful of others’ property.

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8. Steinert Hall, Boston

There’s a secret theater buried beneath the streets of Boston, and almost no one knows it exists. Situated beneath the Steinert Building in Boston, the oldest music store in the United States, Steinert Hall was once one of the most sought-after concert halls in the world. Built in 1896, it was abandoned in 1942 due to new fire codes. However, almost everything inside the theater has remained intact. Watch the video above by The Boston Globe for a rare glimpse into this buried treasure.

9. Rocking Horse Graveyard, Lincoln

Also called “Ponyhenge,” this bizarre arrangement of broken-down rocking horses, horse figurines, and hobby horses is one of the strangest roadside attractions in the state. The horses first started appearing in 2010, and no one knows who is leaving them or why. They often change formation, and the herd is growing all the time. Take a look at this video from the YouTube channel “Exploring With John” to see more of the mysterious site.

10. Truro Air Force Base, Truro

This abandoned air force base includes over 50 deserted homes and buildings. Built in 1994, this place operated during the Cold War to scan the airwaves around Cape Cod to detect Soviet bombers. It features an abandoned bowling alley, dining hall, and plenty of family residences. Check out the video above from the YouTube channel “Exploring With Josh” to look inside this abandoned site.

Have you ever been to any of these abandoned places in Massachusetts? let us know in the comments below what is your favorite one.

Looking for more unique sites in Massachusetts? Check out these nine bizarre roadside attractions that will make you do a double-take.

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Abandoned Places in Massachusetts

What are a couple more abandoned places found in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts has a very dark history and with that comes a lot of creepy places. Abandoned places are one of the creepiest places to experience the stories of the past in this spooky New England state. Here are a few more abandoned sites to visit ...

First up, the grim footage of an abandoned hospital is a must-see. Next, head on over to the coast and hike an abandoned town and explore a castle. It might not get any better than that when you are looking for abandoned places.

For our last suggestion, you can hike to an abandoned military structure. Walking in the Wompatuck State Park you can stumble upon the Hingham Naval Ammunition Depot Annex. It may be filled with graffiti but it is a spot that is being reclaimed by overgrowth and is worth exploring. Some of the sites are creepy and others are just cool to get out and see. So, be safe and check out these long-forgotten places.

Explore Massachusetts