New Englanders have strong opinions. It's part of what makes them hearty enough to survive the region's four seasons, sometimes all in one day. New Hampshire residents hold their beliefs especially strongly and aren't afraid to make them known. If you are living in New Hampshire, which of these hills new Hampshirites are willing to die on do you agree with?
1. Live free or die
It's right there on the state quarter—the words uttered by General John Stark, the state's most well-known American Revolutionary War solider. It conveys strength and independence, principles which many New Hampshire residents live by.
2. There's no sales tax or income tax
New Hampshire is one of nine U.S. states with no income tax and one of four without a sales tax and if the locals have their way this will never change. Businesses here love this and hope you will keep visiting the state to spend your dollars! See #1.
3. Gun ownership is definitely a thing
New Hampshire is a constitutional carry state, which means you don't need a license to open carry or concealed carry a firearm in public. Don't be surprised if you see a local carrying in the local corner store or at your favorite diner. See #1.
4. Fireworks are here to stay
While these entertaining explosives aren't legal to purchase elsewhere, in New Hampshire, certain fireworks are quite legal and can be purchased at licensed retail stores. See #1.
5. Individual political opinions are always right
New Hampshire residents are deeply divided and quite loyal regarding their political positions. They are going to tell you what they think whether you want to hear it or not! Don't agree? Well then, you're wrong! See #1.
6. No stinkin' helmets!
Sure, wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle around here is certainly recommended (have you seen our drivers?), but it's not required by state law. See #1 (starting to see a theme here?).
7. Winter is embraced
While another state south of New Hampshire (you know the one) might complain that winter is here again (it happens the same time every year), Granite Staters welcome its arrival and don't let it slow them down.
8. Locals vs. the non-locals
Even if you've lived in New Hampshire for years, you'll never truly be a local unless you were born and raised here. City folk and others not from here will forever be referred to as "flatlanders".
Which of these things about living in New Hampshire do you identify with? Share a few things you hold dear about your life in NH with us in the comments.
Then, show someone you know why New Hampshire is so special by sending them one of these New Hampshire-themed gift baskets. (Or, send one to yourself, simply because we think it looks super yummy!)
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