Maryland has dozens of islands, a few of which we've previously discussed here. What many Marylanders don't know is that there are also a few islands that once existed, but due to erosion, now lie in a watery grave in the Chesapeake Bay. Holland Island is one of these fascinating and haunting places. The story behind this underwater island in Maryland will leave you with intrigue and a bit of sadness.
At one point in its history, Holland Island was home to around 300 residents. Watermen flocked to this area with their families to take advantage of the fishing opportunities of the bay.
Years later, erosion began to take hold of the island. The families moved their homes further inland, but it was no use. There is no fighting Mother Nature.
The shoreline began to lessen year by year, until families were forced to move. Parts of the now abandoned island became completely submerged until one house was left standing.
The last house on Holland Island stood strong for several years. The dilapidating structure looked surreal as it became surrounded by water. As if attempting to fight time, the house became a symbol of hope to many people.
After a particularly bad storm, Holland Island's last house finally collapsed in 2010.
What remains today are merely scraps of memories.
As erosion continues to occur on the Chesapeake Bay and water levels rise, this will most likely happen to several more of Maryland's beloved islands in the future.
Check out this awe-inspiring video of the history of Holland Island, and the story of one man whose dream it was to restore it. This is a must-watch.
Video Credit : Youtube / Im2857
Today, what's left of Holland Island is home to only wildlife, mostly birds. See footage of it here.
Have you heard stories about the underwater island in Maryland? Do you have any ancestors who lived on Holland Island? Please share your stories in the comments.
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