When looking for summer wildflowers in Minnesota, you’ll find them in many places across the northern part of the state. The higher latitude generally means that flowers bloom later up there. Not only will you find species that have already bloomed and dwindled farther south, you’ll also find species that thrive in the ecosystems of northern Minnesota. That’s why one of my favorite places to go searching for summer wildflowers is Scenic State Park, near Bigfork.
In June and July, even the roadside ditches of northern Minnesota burst with color as lupine (beautiful but invasive), hawkweed, and marsh marigolds reach their peaks.
This makes for a beautiful drive to the park.
Scenic State Park is in north-central Minnesota, between the Chippewa National Forest and the Canadian border.
A glacial remnant, the park boasts a couple gorgeous lakes, rolling terrain, wetlands and bogs, and a good representation of old-growth pines.
These characteristics make a perfect place for peeping some of Minnesota’s most stunning wildflowers, like northern blue flag, a wild relative of the iris.
Swamp roses offer jubilant bursts of pink along trails and at the edges of wetlands.
But orchids are the real stars of the show in early summer at Scenic State Park.
Like this yellow lady’s slipper.
The park’s biggest draw, though, may be its colony of showy lady’s slippers, with their big pink and white blossoms.
It’s the state flower, and folks flock from all over to see them when they bloom.
Many migratory bird species call the park home during summer months, as well. Cedar waxwings are common summer residents.
As are warbler species, like this common yellowthroat.
You’ll hear the haunting calls of the common loons before you see them, but they’re here in the park.
There’s more to Scenic than flowers and birds, though. Families camp, fish, and swim; and the hiking is excellent.
The stunning Esker Trail follows a glacial ridge between two lakes and through a stand of old-growth pines. It’s one of my favorite hikes in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
If you don’t feel like camping, you can stay in the park’s historic CCC cabin.
It does book up, though, so be sure to make reservations well in advance of your visit. Frankly, I think it’s one of the best rental cabins in Minnesota.
So, next time you’re searching for summer wildflowers in Minnesota, consider Scenic State Park. Have you visited Scenic? What are your favorite spots for summer wildflower viewing? Let us know in the comments.
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