The state of Virginia has a bounty of woods and forests, many of which have been around for centuries. While most are characterized by a peaceful beauty, there are some that are mysterious - if not downright creepy. One prime example is tucked away outside a town known as Diggs. If you find paranormal areas to be fascinating, you'll love learning about this haunted stretch of woods near the Chesapeake Bay. And if you're easily spooked, you might want to avoid visiting this dark forest in Virginia alone!
The Chesapeake Bay is renowned for its pristine coastal beauty, yet this region holds much more. Hiding inside Mathews County, you’ll find the quiet town of Diggs. You might not expect that such a humble and quaint town could hold such a chilling history, yet just down Beach Haven Road awaits what could very well be the most haunted forest in Virginia.
It’s a 50-acre patch of pine trees that grow densely enough to nearly cover the sky, signaling the eerie nature of Old House Woods. The area once served as a port for pirates and Revolutionary War soldiers, as the area was perfect for hiding out.
Travelers soon learned that the woods were dangerous to cross, considering that pirates could very well be hiding out in them. Many believe that soldiers and pirates alike have hidden gold and treasure deep within the forest, and chillingly, ghosts of these men have been sighted trying to regain their lost treasure.
Venture to the woods in search of this forgotten treasure and you might find more than you bargained for. Those looking for the stash of gold coins have a way of disappearing into thin air with no explanation.
One particularly terrifying account of the woods happened in the late 19th century. A fisherman was out on Whites Creek when he spotted a massive ghost galleon with lights and crewmen. The mysterious ship glided right over the fisherman’s boat, leaving it completely unscathed, and continued to dock on the beach in the woods.
Needless to say, this relatively small patch of woods is riddled with paranormal activity. The countless stories of strange happenings and ghostly encounters indicate that Old House Woods may indeed be haunted. What are your thoughts about Virginia's most haunted forest? Have you visited the so-called dark forest in Virginia before? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!
Looking for more abandoned places to explore in the Old Dominion? This abandoned tunnel in Virginia has quite a sinister history and is worth hitting the road to see in person!
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