Tim Burton's beautifully crafted film "Big Fish," released in 2003, was based on the 1998 novel of the same name written by Alabama native Daniel Wallace. This amazing film is an American fantasy about Edward Bloom, a former traveling salesman with a gift for storytelling. Sadly, Edward is on his deathbed. "Big Fish" focuses on the reconciliation between a dying father and his son.
While walking through a dark forest, Edward soon discovers the mysterious town of Spectre. Everyone in Spectre is super friendly, and the town itself is picture perfect. Spectre is definitely the place to be if you're searching for happiness.
When filming wrapped, Tim Burton offered the property owners compensation to keep from having to tear the set down. They gladly accepted.
Today, Spectre looks a lot different. For example, the road has replaced the plush grassy lawn, and the buildings are in a state of decay and despair. Some have even completely collapsed.
Spectre truly is Alabama's best kept secret, so it's not surprising numerous people aren't aware that this film was shot on location here.
What if I were to tell you that you can visit the town of Spectre? That's right. You sure can. Spectre is located on a private island that stretches across Jackson Lake, within the city of Millbrook. If you wish to visit this fictional town, it'll cost $3. This fee is actually to get you onto the island. In addition to visiting Spectre, you can also fish and camp while on the island.
Visiting the town of Spectre should definitely be on your bucket list. The sooner you visit, the better. After all, you'll want to visit before the town becomes lost forever.
Were you already familiar with this abandoned film set? If not, does it sound like somewhere you'd want to visit? Why or why not?
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