Let's be honest about Connecticut winters. It's all a show! Sure, winter looks pretty on television, but so does a snow globe. While we reminisce about the summer months, here are nine reasons no one in their right mind wants to visit Connecticut in the winter.
1. First of all, no cute clothes.
Remember those cute summer clothes? How can you look cute when you look like a snowman?
2. Forget about getting any fresh produce or visiting a Farmers Market in the winter.
All you want are some fresh veggies. It would be nice to have some good, fat carrots or some fresh fruit. But, you're stuck inside scouting around for your hidden stash of Twinkies.
3. The colors all disappear.
Remember the colors of autumn? Now, that was a good time. These days, there are just shades of gray everywhere. You're not even sure if you remember what color looks like.
4. You can't get out on the water.
If you want to see historical ships or get out on the water, you're only going to be able to see them in some of the dusty old books you stashed in the attic.
5. You can't have any fun.
Remember when you used to go skateboarding? If only there was some way you could get out and enjoy the outdoors like you used to. No fun adventures or exercise for you.
6. Cycling is just not a winter sport.
Speaking of exercise, bicycling used to be fun. Now all you can do is sit on your indoor bicycle and imagine you're hitting the roads and seeing the Connecticut scenery again.
7. It's not as pretty.
The rest of the year is mesmerizing. The colors of fall. The scents of summer. All of the artistic beauty is missing from a Connecticut winter.
8. The waterfalls just disappear.
Those gorgeous waterfalls are gone. They disappear in winter. If only we had something beautiful to look at.
9. Forget about hiking with your best friend.
It's a distant memory now. Hiking through the woods with your best friend and seeing the excitement on his face. Where is he going to play now if he has no place to sniff?
Looking for more reasons to dread the Connecticut winter? Be sure to take a look at these 13 Awesome Places In Connecticut This Winter and 9 Winter Attractions For The Family in Connecticut That Don't Involve The Mall.
(Note: We all know Connecticut is beautiful and fun anytime of the year. Come winter, it's a winter wonderland that must be experienced.)
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