Yay, it's summer! You know what that means, right? All of the creepy crawlers are creeping and crawling out of their crevices to come enjoy the summer sun with you. Here are ten bugs who are on their way to pack up their little beach towels and bottles of sunscreen to accompany you on your beach vacation.
1. House centipede
The only living creature in the world that I have absolutely zero qualms about crushing on sight, the house centipede has a wonderfully charming way of scurrying across the floor right after you've taken your shoes off.
2. Wheel bug
These guys are kind of cute, at least in my opinion, but they are terrifying within the bug community. You know how they kill their prey? They bite it and inject it with poison that liquefies its victims insides, then they drink them like a smoothie, leaving only a dead husk of a bug behind. Yum!
3. American cockroach
Hopefully you don't encounter the cockroach that often. Some say they are misunderstood, while others... Ok, no one says that they're misunderstood.
4. Wasp
Just remember, they're more scared of you than you are of them. ... Maybe.
5. Assassin bug
The previously mentioned wheel bug is a type of assassin bug, a family of insects that all kill their prey in a similarly terrifying fashion. Stink bugs also fall into this category. Pictured above are some assassin bug nymphs, the infantile form of the bug.
6. Black widow spider
You've probably heard of these scary spiders. One bite and you're toast. Or at least bound for the ER.
7. Blacklegged Tick
Ticks are one of the most dangerous insects out there. Sneaky and insidious, they will attach themselves to you to steal your blood and then give you horrible diseases. Be sure to always check yourself and your loved ones.
8. Blue-winged wasp
Oh, so scary.
9. Bold jumping spider
Look at those cute little beady eyes just begging you to invite him home for dinner. Chances are that your mom will NOT let you keep him. And yes, the "jumping" in his name is not just a cute name. They do indeed hop around like cute little fuzzy eight legged kangaroos.
10. Crane fly
They look like gigantic mosquitos. The good news is that they won't actually suck your blood.
What are your favorite bugs? Share in the comments below.
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