At one time, Dinosaur World, formerly known as John Agar’s World of Kong, was a thriving and expansive dinosaur-themed park. Opened in the 1960s and sadly closed in 2005, Dinosaur World once contained over one hundred life-sized statues of dinosaurs and the world’s largest statue of King Kong. Set near Eureka Springs in what people have called “the middle of nowhere,” the theme park is surrounded by forest. Today, over a decade from the time it closed, this abandoned dinosaur park in Arkansas is fading into that forest.
This is the point where I remind you that you are not Indiana Jones and trespassing is illegal. But for your appeasement, here’s a really cool drone footage of this abandoned park, shot by YouTuber LastLookout.
The remains of Dinosaur World are well marked as private property with no trespassing signs posted. You don’t want to pay a fine or get yourself some face time with the nice folks up at the Eureka Springs Police Department, do you?
Of course, you don’t. That doesn’t mean we can’t see it though, because today we’re taking the totally legal route of a tour in pictures of this abandoned amusement park in Arkansas.
When I said it’s located “in the middle of nowhere,” I really meant "in the middle of the woods."
This picture was taken before the park closed in 2005, so this is probably the sign you remember from the park.
These days, however, the park is looking a bit different.
The park was once 65 acres of dinosaur-themed wonder.
Complete with predators . . .
. . . prey . . .
...huge beasts...
. . . and even a mammal or two.
From the small . . .
. . . to the enormous . . .
. . . there are dinosaurs everywhere at this abandoned theme park.
The theme park has been closed for over a decade now, and you definitely shouldn’t trespass there.
But isn’t it neat to think about all those dinosaurs out there, fading into the woods?
Discover more about this dinosaur park by watching this informative YouTube video by Beyond Civilization (Xplore RC).
Do you remember going to visit Dinosaur World as a child? Share your memories about this with us in the comments below! Or tell us about your favorite abandoned amusement park in Arkansas.
If you’re searching for more abandoned places, here’s a previous article with some abandoned places in Arkansas that are being reclaimed by nature. If ghost towns are more your speed, you can take a walking tour of this abandoned town without worrying about trespassing, or check out this top-rated ghost tour in Arkansas that we recommend.
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