Pisgah, Iowa, is the epitome of a hidden gem - nestled into the Loess Hills, this tiny town of 252 is easy to pass by without a second look on a long drive. But if you do, you'd miss out on possibly the most fascinating, historic cafe in Iowa. Dave's Old Home Cafe is a successor to Hinkel's Cafe, which came under its current ownership in 2003. But its legacy goes much further than most casual roadside cafes in the Midwest. In fact, while most people may have never eaten there, this restaurant was seen by millions of people in the 1970s.
It was the subject of a series of quirky, musical TV commercials that told the saga of a no-nonsense truck driver who brought bread to a roadside stop known as the "Old Home Fill 'Er Up and Keep on Trucking Cafe," usually shortened to "Old Home Cafe." The saga of C.W. McCall and Mavis Davis was captured in a dozen commercials like this one - take a look, and then visit the real thing!
Dave's Old Home Cafe looks like it hasn't changed in decades - and there's a reason for that.
This unique roadside cafe is a living tribute to the 1970s commercials that turned it into a household name, so those old-school touches are everywhere.
Mavis Davis doesn't work here anymore, but the waitstaff is just as friendly and welcoming, and the food just as delicious.
The specialty is hearty diner fare, and the burgers here get rave reviews.
Of course, it wouldn't be an Iowa roadside cafe without a pork tenderloin sandwich spilling off the bun.
The Friday fish fry is one of the most popular events at Dave's Old Home Cafe, so don't miss it!
And of course, make sure to pick up one of the delicious homemade muffins before you get back on the road!
Have you visited the Old Home Cafe in Pisgah? Did you know about this historic cafe in Iowa from the commercials? Let us know in the comments section! If you're interested in paying a visit, you can visit the Dave's Old Home Cafe Facebook page to find out more. Make sure to head to the Loess Hills' most scenic overlook while you're in town. This is a wide-open area, so pack your road trip supplies!
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