When things are smaller, they are automatically cuter, whether it be animals, food, or even - jail cells? Believe it or not, Colorado is home to the smallest jail in America, which doesn't sound too daunting, yet still packs a punch in terms of Colorado history.
Located in Kiowa County is the tiny town of Haswell, which is home to only about 70 residents (as per the 2010 Census).
Established along the Missouri Pacific Railroad for housing purposes, Haswell once had everything from a healthy agriculture industry to stores and shops to even...
...its own little four-person jail!
Built in 1921, the Haswell Jail is a concrete 14-foot by 16-foot structure that could detain only four people at a time.
Though it closed in the 1940s, the Haswell Jail is still considered to be the smallest in America, beating out even the more iconic jailhouse in Randsburg, California (which was previously thought to be the tiniest).
The Haswell Jail can be found on the south side of 3rd Street (a half-block west of Main Street) in Haswell.
Want to see a jail a bit more daunting than Haswell? Check out The Deadly Prison That Can Only Be Found Here In Colorado.
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