Our environment defines us. The land has carved our personalities and shaped our culture into what it is today, and if you've been living in Wyoming, chances are you know exactly what I mean! Like our wide open spaces, majestic scenery, and peaceful landscapes, we are a proud, solitary, laid-back group of individuals. However, some things can get us fired up. Here are 11 sure fire ways to make a Wyomingite mad — you might relate more than you want to admit.
1. Anyone assuming our slow-paced lifestyle makes us lazy.
It's in our blood to go to great lengths to help others.
2. Outsiders making fun of how we dress.
Function over form is the way we do it out here! Sorry, our muck boots are coming with us everywhere we go and blue jeans are formal wear. Living in Wyoming creates a whole new dress code.
3. Questioning our high gun-ownership numbers.
When you live out here, you've got guns for hunting and for protection.
4. Overdevelopment
Go ahead ... ask us what we think about how Jackson has changed over the years.
5. Greenies.
Need I say more? Please, enjoy the natural beauty on your side of the state border!
6. Tourists referring to the town of Jackson as Jackson Hole.
Jackson is the town and Jackson Hole is the valley between the Teton Mountain Range and the Gros Ventre Range. It's pretty simple.
7. Tourists asking, "Where are all the cowboys?"
Yes, we're the wild west. Seriously, just take a drive or visit a rodeo and you'll find 'em!
8. A tourist asking, "What time do you let the cows out?"
Some people think our state is like Disney World and that we're just here for your amusement! Our way of life is just that — not solely here for entertainment.
9. Hearing an outsider say, "I can't wait to move here."
Nah, stay where you are and just come and visit during the busy seasons. You'll like it better that way and we'll like it better that way.
10. Creating a bison jam or bear jam.
Please, don't stop to take a picture of the wildlife! Let's just all move along and enjoy the view from the (moving) car window.
11. Tourists in general.
Sorry, we know we need the revenue from tourism to keep the state cheap to live in, but it's stressful trying to plan our staycations around the tourist seasons.
If you've spent some time living in Wyoming, chances are you're a little fired up just thinking about all of the above! What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments.
Wyoming is an excellent destination for a road trip. However, before you begin your journey, make sure you check out our ultimate road trip packing list.
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