If you're from Cincinnati, then you know that no matter how far you stray, this city will always be your home. There are things about this place that just stick with you and sites that conjure up all sorts of nostalgia. Maybe you were anxious to leave the minute you graduated high school, or perhaps you've never left. But either way, Cincinnati will always be home.
1. That skyline
Nothing feels more like coming home than a drive through the cut in the hill and that skyline appearing like a mirage. Thankfully (sort of), there is usually traffic, so you have plenty of time to enjoy the view.
2. Opening Day
It might be unofficial, but Opening Day in Cincinnati is definitely a holiday. The city turns red and it seems like everyone is celebrating the start of a new season.
3. Who-Dey! is a part of your vocabulary.
If you don't call Cincinnati home, then you may not even know what "Who-Dey" means. But Bengals fans will shout it loud and proud, whether it's at home or far away.
4. The chili
Whether you're a tried and true Skyline fan or you prefer the neighborhood chili parlors, Cincinnati will always be home when you can relax in a booth with a plate of steaming chili in front of you, piled high with that famous cheese.
5. There's a festival for everything and everyone.
Westside, Eastside, Downtown... Cincinnati loves festivals. We celebrate Oktoberfest, the best food in Cincinnati, Greek culture, and even our beloved goetta.
6. Our parks are incredible.
Our park system is pretty remarkable. So much so that you might not even realize how many places there are throughout the city to enjoy nature and beautiful views. From classics like Eden Park to the newer Smale Park along the riverfront, you'll always feel at home roaming along these paths and trails.
7. We have the best ice cream.
Cincinnati has a sweet tooth and Graeter's Ice Cream is to blame. Their flavors are infamous and it's likely one of your first cravings when returning home.
8. Amazing fireworks with the best backdrop
Cincinnati especially feels like home Labor Day weekend during the spectacular WEBN Fireworks. The waterfalls from the bridges and the fireworks lighting up the skyline are favorite Cincinnati scenes.
9. Our seven hills have the best views.
If you've ever driven, walked or especially run through Cincinnati, then you know we have hills. Lots of hills. Cincinnati is sometimes known as the "City of Seven Hills" and these spots provide amazing views that will always feel like home.
10. Cincy pride runs deep.
If you call Cincinnati home, you'll likely put anyone in their place who tries to bash the Queen City. Of course, there are stereotypes, misconceptions, and rumors, but we know the truth about our city.
11. The city is always changing and surprising us.
Neighborhoods evolve, new restaurants open, and even new sports teams come to town. Those who have always lived here seem to go with the flow, while others who come and go always have new surprises waiting for them at home.
12. But in many ways, it stays the same.
As decades pass, so much about Cincinnati has stayed exactly the same. Our landmarks might get facelifts, but they continue as the familiar sights that let us know we are home. And, of course, Cincinnatians remain as lively and proud as ever to call this beloved city their own.
What do you love most about Cincinnati? What about our city makes it home to you? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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