These fascinating historic photos of Alaska give us a glimpse into life in the past. How old is Alaska? It attained statehood in 1959 and became a territory in 1912. But before that, brave explorers showed up with early cameras to document life in the far north. Below are some old pictures of Alaska - perhaps some of the oldest. Enjoy these 16 images showing how life was lived in the Last Frontier a time long ago. You’ll travel through the history of Alaska, from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s, and see up close how life was really lived over a century ago.
1. Group of Alaskan Women, Sitka. (1892)
You get a personal glimpse of what life was like in the 19th century in Alaska.
2. Bidarkas of otter hunters, Kodiak village. (circa 1888)
This collection of photographs are some of the most historic photos of Alaska.
3. Community, Fort Tongass. (1868)
These photos are fascinating glimpses into how life was lived over a hundred years ago.
4. Sitka from Japanese Island. (1868)
The fact that these photos still exist today is fascinating.
5. A Tlingit canoe carrying a funeral party, Fort Wrangell. (circa 1887)
We are so grateful that these photographs give us a peek at the lives of Alaskans over a century later.
6. Tlingit mortuary houses at Fort Wrangell. The totems are wolf and killer whale. (1886-1890)
While many of these buildings are mere memories now, the photographs hold a snapshot in time of what our towns and villages looked like so many years ago.
7. Kitch Kawk, a Tlingit man of Sitka, in dancing costume. In the list of figures he is identified as a shaman. (1886-1887)
Many of the photos taken were along Southeast Alaska, as many people did not travel into the Interior of Alaska back then.
8. Panorama of Fort Wrangell. (1889)
There were no roads into the Interior, and travel was dangerous.
9. Treadwell mills and mine, Klondike Gold Rush, Douglas Island. (circa 1889)
The Gold Rush is what brought many people from the Lower 48 up to Alaska, where they fell in love with this wild state.
10. Public School, Juneau. (1890 or earlier)
These photographs are a wonderful way to learn about the history of Alaska.
11. Killisnoo, showing village, bay, and steamship at dock. (1880's)
Many of the small villages and towns look much different nowadays, or don’t exist at all.
12. A wooden footbridge across the Indian River on a scenic walk, Sitka. (1880s)
Many of the small towns that grew during the Gold Rush were later abandoned as ghost towns. Other towns, like Sitka, are still thriving today.
13. View of Sitka from Baranof Castle. (December 31, 1885)
It’s incredible to think that such primitive cameras could capture such a view like this.
14. Man in Aleut or Yupik style baidarka (boat). (1905)
Many of the photograph plates were developed outside of Alaska, which means that they were cared for very carefully until they were able to be developed.
15. Woman cooking over an open fire. (1905)
By having access to these photos now, we have a wonderful first hand look at life in our state, in different towns and villages.
16. Woman and Child, Yukon River Valley. (1905)
They are a stunning look at the tenacity, strength, and beauty of those that lived in this great state so long ago.
These historic photos of Alaska remind us of people's deep roots in the state - even before it was one. Are these the oldest photos of Alaska you’ve ever seen? Do you have any vintage photos taken in Alaska? Drop them in the comments below!
If you’re interested in looking at more historic Alaskan photographs, These 17 Rare Photos Show Alaska’s Mining History Like Never Before.
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