Enjoy a long walk in North Carolina along the North Fork of the Little River when you visit the Little River Regional Park & Natural Area. Located in Rougemont, the 391-acre property straddles the Orange/Durham county line, offering an abundance of amenities, such as a bike trail, a bird trail, a butterfly garden, a walking track, group camping, hiking trails, picnic areas, a playground, and restrooms. This scenic and ecologically important space gives folks opportunities to enjoy nature and participate in outdoor activities all year long. Let's see why this park is worthy of your company.
This spacious retreat offers five hiking trails with the longest being 1.4 miles long.
But combining a couple of trails extends the journey through this lovely, forested space. Get out your warm-weather gear and burn some energy this winter.
The barren trees give a better view of the tree-lined waterfront on the North and South River Loops.
Sit a spell and watch the birds or enjoy the mountain biking trail if you prefer.
Among other aquatic life, this body is home to some rare freshwater mussels.
Some of them include yellow lampmussel, Atlantic pigtoe, triangle floater, and squawfoot.
The spring brings pretty flowers popping up all over the place.
You'll also find the trails well-marked, plus a park office and picnic shelters.
We enjoy looking for other new life, such as these fuzzy little ones awaiting a wholesome meal.
Take advantage of the group camping site to watch these critters in action.
In addition to many migratory birds, some creatures known to frequent the park include deer, wild turkeys,
beavers, otters, weasels, and salamanders.
And occasionally look up where you may see something peering at you, such as this curious groundhog.
Wait until you see the Butterfly Garden which never looks lovelier than after a summer thunderstorm.
But the fall puts up a stiff competition with its colorful trim added to the thick, rich woods.
It never smells better than this time of year.
For more information about the picturesque place to enjoy a long walk in North Carolina, visit the Little River Regional Park web page. Since Rougemont is only about 15 miles from Durham, consider booking the ultimate nighttime adventure with Frog Hollow Outdoors. And for some of the best hiking gear, check out the REI website.
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