It's always nice to take some time off and enjoy the world around you. We all need a vacation, but it's not always possible to hop on a plane to get away. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of some great places in Maine that will give you that needed dose of relaxation. Most of these can be made into a weekend trip, or cut to just a lovely day out. Don't have any spare time at all? Then simply enjoy the photos. That's got to be good for something!
1. Reserve a spot in advance to visit the beautiful (but private) Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden in Seal Harbor.
The garden is typically open one day a week from July to September and is worth the advance planning.
2. The secret behind this view at Cape Porpoise is showing up at 5am for the sunrise.
Even the most popular areas can be your own depending on when you're there.
3. Some exploring in West Scarborough proves that even just an hour of walking through the marsh can make your spirits take flight.
4. Be sure to (safely) get off the beaten path at Katahdin.
You might come across hidden sanctuaries like this one, just off the trail.
5. Maine fog can give a much needed respite to an otherwise busy pace.
This spot on the water in Waldoboro will likely be deserted on a day like this. Enjoy it.
6. Spend some time on the Carriage Roads in Acadia to take in the surroundings at an easier pace.
7. Large falls mean some smaller ones as well. Remember to explore everything on the Dunn Falls Loop near Baldpate Mountain.
8. Head to tiny Friendship for this pre-sunset moment of calm.
9. If you're in southern Maine, enjoy the serenity in the Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farms in Wells.
The area features tons of trails for scenes like this one.
10. While the name might indicate otherwise, Little Purgatory Pond in Litchfield soothes the soul.
11. Take a minute away from the water at Lake Cobbosseecontee and look up at the trees.
The lake is no secret, but this different vantage point might be.
12. Another reminder that Acadia is for more than just moving.
Quiet places like this are everywhere if you're looking in the right places.
13. The Asticou Azalea Garden is a quiet respite from an, admittedly, already pretty calm place.
The garden is part of the Land and Garden Preserve of Mount Desert Island, which also includes the Thuya Garden & Lodge, and the Asticou Terraces & Landing.
Where are your favorite places to relax in Maine? Head to Facebook and let us know!
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