Whether they're flitting through your garden or whizzing by the park, hummingbirds in Connecticut are always a dazzling sight. These brilliant ruby-throated beauties will soon begin their spring migration. So just when will hummingbirds migrate to CT? Keep your eyes peeled. These charming creatures will begin to grace our gorgeous state in the middle of April. That gives you plenty of time to start looking for the best hummingbird feeders for your yard! When's the best time to see hummingbirds in Connecticut?
Hummingbirds make two migrations per year - one north and one south.
It's an arduous journey for the world's smallest birds, but they continue to make the solitary trek year after year. It's the only way to get the best breeding grounds and secure their feeding territories. They're one of our favorite signs of spring in Connecticut, and we love seeing them each year.
We can expect to see a surge of these brilliant ruby-throated beauties in the middle of April.
There are over 300 different hummingbird species, but only about 15 types regularly migrate to the United States and make their temporary home in Connecticut.
Most ruby-throated hummingbirds spend their winters between southern Mexico and northern Panama.
By February, these hummingbirds instinctively begin their flight up north.
Ruby-throated hummingbirds love to feed on columbines, salvia, and honeysuckles.
They're especially attracted to the color red., so when you're out looking for the best hummingbird feeders, keep this in mind!
Averaging 55 wing beats per second, ruby-throated hummingbirds fly quickly and can be difficult to spot.
If you really want to catch a glimpse of them this season, put out a feeder full of nectar.
These stunning birds are always a welcoming sight.
It just wouldn't feel like springtime in Connecticut without enjoying this amazing flight of fancy. Get your binoculars ready so you don't miss a thing!
Are you enthralled with the hummingbirds in Connecticut? Where do you go to see them? Perhaps in your own backyard? We'd love to read about your experience in the comments section!
If you're looking for more fun this season, check out these 11 gorgeous springtime destinations in Connecticut.
If you’re still in the mood to learn more about hummingbirds, take a peek at this video featuring the adorable ruby-throated hummingbird:
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