In the heart of Little Rock, a symbol of friendship between two cultures stands. It's a stunning, underrated garden hiding in Arkansas that you must visit at least once. The garden is filled with beautiful, architectural structures that commemorate the legacy of a martial arts legend. Once you see this garden, you’ll fall in love with it.
Located in downtown Little Rock, on the grounds of the Statehouse Convention Center is the H.U. Lee International Gate and Garden.
This lovely garden was opened in 2007 as a token of friendship between Arkansas and South Korea.
The welcome gate is a stunning piece of art, combining materials from both places.
Arkansas and South Korea couldn’t be any more different, but there are still similarities.
Grand Master Haeng Ung Lee, for whom this garden is commemorating, felt welcomed in Arkansas.
He believed that the terrain was similar to South Korea’s, and that the people were equally warm.
So, it was a no brainer when he wanted to make Arkansas the headquarters for his martial arts organization, the American Taekwondo Association.
Though this garden isn’t massive, it is absolutely gorgeous.
In the middle of this peaceful oasis, is a 9-foot-tall fountain where you can sit and reflect during the day…
…but it’s at night where this fountain really comes alive.
Even if you’re not into martial arts, you’ll still find this to be a sacred space.
You’ll sense an air of great respect and acknowledgement as you walk through the area.
Take some time to admire the different statues and artifacts sprinkled throughout the garden.
And don’t forget to read the meaning behind each of them. Of course, since this is a garden, there must be foliage that adds more beauty to the space. You’ll find lovely azaleas, gardenias, Weeping Cedars, a Kwanzan cherry tree, pansies, and more. This oasis is perfect for an afternoon or evening stroll.
So, have you ever walked through this underrated garden in Little Rock? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. And for more information about the story behind the garden and gate, visit the website.
And while you’re in Little Rock, grab a bite to eat at this underrated restaurant.
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