Weird laws. Every state has them, even Maine. Our first list of weird laws in Maine introduced some of the most bizarre rules in the books. But that was only the beginning. While many of you already knew that Maine can be a bit wacky, some of you were wondering if there are any other laws you weren't aware of. The good news it that law enforcement probably won't actually arrest you for playing the violin on the streets of Augusta. But, if you prefer to be an overall, law-abiding Mainer you might want to check out these other weird laws that are still on the books in Maine:
1. You may not gamble at the airport in Biddeford.
Might as well go ahead and check your roulette wheel at the gate!
2. It is not okay to sell a mercury thermometer in Freeport.
Nope, not even at L.L. Bean!
3. It is illegal to park in front of the Dunkin Donuts in South Berwick.
Truth be told, there isn't actually much room to do it. But a law against it? That seems a bit extreme.
4. It is illegal to roller skate on the sidewalk in Biddeford, Maine.
This is why roller derby leagues exist, folks. Let's keep it safe and keep it indoors. Or, if you must go outside, stay on the open streets. Who's afraid of a little traffic?
5. You can not pet a deer in Wells.
"Paws off!" - this deer who does not live in Wells, but would prefer you leave his friends in Wells alone.
6. In Waterboro, you are not allowed to have a dog leash over eight feet in length.
If your leash looks like this when you get home and leave it on the ground, you're probably breaking the law.
7. In Ellsworth, if any sign ordinances are stricter than federal law (even if they are in direct opposition), they will prevail.
So, Ellsworth may be the friendly city, but we recommend you read the signs, because they mean business here.
Be honest: Based on this list, how many of you are feeling pretty rebellious right now? How many of these weird laws in Maine are you guilty of breaking? We won't tell!
Every day I remind you that Maine is pretty much the best state in the USA. Are you getting tired of it yet? I hope not, because I'm certainly not tired of reminding you! We know that there were many awesome things invented in Maine, that Maine is beautiful, that marrying a Mainer is a good decision, and that we have the best hikes, sunsets, and waterfalls in the world. But, did you know that Maine was the first to do quite a few things in the country? As a small departure from our opinion lists, here are some straight-up facts to share with your friends from away all about a couple of Maine firsts. These are some of the best Maine firsts in our state.
1. The first ship built by English colonists was constructed in Maine.
The Pinnace Virgina was built along the Kennebec River in what is now Phippsburg. It was used to return 46 of the last colonists to England in 1608.
2. In 1623, the first sawmill in the U.S. was built in Maine.
The mill was located on the Piscataqua River (the bridge over which is pictured here,) near York, Maine and actually existed before the town did. The purpose of the mill was to export lumber to England to be turned into warship masts. England's trees were not suitable for this purpose, but the colonists in New England had more than enough to share! In 1634, the first shipment of masts, from white pines, were sent to England.
3. The original patent for the sealed dive suit came from Maine.
Maine inventor Leonard Norcross patented what is widely accepted as the first practical, sealed dive suit in 1834. The suit had weighted feet and a hard, water-tight helmet. Exhaust air was pushed out the top of the helmet, which allowed divers a full range of motion underwater for the first time.
4. In 2013, Maine was the first state to legalize the purchase of prescription drugs from overseas. But ...
... a few years later, the law was deemed unconstitutional as it was preempted by an act from the FDC designed to prevent these sorts of purchases.
5. Maine was the first to give you the zig-zag sewing stitch.
Helen Augusta Blanchard, who patented several inventions relating to sewing machines in 1873 and 1875, was born in Portland. Her creations included the method allowing for the zig-zag stitch, along with patents for the invention of the pencil sharpener and hat sewing machine. While most of her inventing happened outside of Maine, she did return to the state later in life.
6. Maine is home to Togus, the first Veteran hospital in the country.
Togus was founded in 1866 and the first veteran was admitted on November 10 of the same year. The veteran population of the home was under 400 until a building program began in 1868 which created housing for 3,000 veterans.
7. We were the first to begin to think about the snowmobile.
While over-snow travel was something that many people tried to perfect, one of the first versions was created by OC Johnson, who came out of Waterville. A few years after his creation, someone else actually gave it the "snowmobile" name. Maine's history with the machine goes further with Polaris using many areas in the hilly areas in Northern Maine as testing grounds. So, we can proudly say that many of the advancements in snow travel happened FIRST in Maine! Looking to take your sled out this winter? Check out this massive snowmobile trail in Maine.
8. York was the first city chartered city in the USA.
The charter took place in 1641. In 1642, it became the country’s first incorporated city. York is also home to the best zoo in the state. Make sure you check out York's Wild Animal Kingdom!
9. The inventor of the Maxim gun first called Maine his home.
The world's first portable, fully automatic macine gun was invented by Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim in 1884. Though he filed the actual patent in England, Stevens was a Maine native who lived in the state until his 40s. He also held patents on devices such as the mousetrap, hair-curling irons, and steam pumps.
10. Maine is the first to see the sunrise.
But, just where that happens in a hotly contested debate in Maine. There are three places that claim to have the first view - Lubec, Mars Hill, and Cadillac Mountain in Acadia. It seems that just where you see the sunrise first depends on the time of year. From late March to mid-September, you'll want to head to Mars Hill for first light. But, from mid-September through the first week of October, you should head to Quoddy Head. If you want to work for your view and see it from Cadillac Mountain you have some more time. Be there between mid-October and early March and you'll be greeted by America's first light.
There you have it —10 things that are Maine firsts. Did we leave any other Maine firsts or Maine inventions off the list? Let us know in the comments or on our Only In Maine Facebook page!
What is Maine known for? Maine may be famous for its lobster, lighthouses, Acadia National Park, and blueberries; but did you know it’s also home to the U.S.’s first city? Or that Eastport is the first place in the U.S. to see the sun rise each morning? Or any of the incredible inventions from Maine? Here are 9 interesting Maine firsts that you may not have known about - but definitely should!
1. York became the first chartered city in the U.S. in 1641.
3. Maine was the first state to make it legal for individuals to import prescription drugs.
The bill passed in 2013, and has allowed residents to save up to 90% on the cost of medicine. How’s that as part of these fun facts about Maine!
4. In 2015, Maine became the first state to offer scholarships to middle schoolers to join a virtual international space station through the Space Station Academy.
Through the program, they get to be part of simulated space missions where they do doubt get to do some awesome stargazing! How cool!
5. Maine is home to Togus, the first Veteran hospital in the country. It was founded in 1866.
9. The first sawmill in the U.S. was built in Maine in 1623.
Mills have played an important role in the state’s industrial history.
Did you know about any of these interesting Maine firsts? Makes you proud of your Maine roots, doesn't it? Do you know about any other things from Maine or things Maine did first? We'd love to read your comments below!
For more Maine facts, check out this article about beautiful House Island.
If you’re still in the mood for more Maine adventures, take a look at this video about Acadia National Park: