Every state has strange laws that are in place. It's true; there are certainly some weird laws in Georgia. Maybe some are from days when they actually made sense, though a great many seem like they may have never made sense. It's doubtful you'd be prosecuted for any of these strange laws in Georgia, but all of them are on the books (or were at some point). Check out this list of some of the weirdest laws in Georgia:
1. It is illegal to keep a donkey in a bathtub.
This weird Georgia law makes us laugh - hee haw! Who would even think to do such a thing? Oddly, there's actually a reason behind this one. In 1924, an Arizona farmer allowed his donkey to sleep in an old bathtub. A dam burst and the town flooded. The donkey (still in the bathtub) floated downstream. He was rescued, but the ordeal took many hours and a lot of manpower. After that, several states passed laws against the keeping of donkeys in bathtubs.
2. You cannot live on a boat for more than 30 days during the calendar year, even if just passing through the state.
This one was targeted at run-down floating homes that existed on the Altamaha River. Neighbors found the houseboats ugly and were concerned about pollution. The Georgia state legislature passed a law in 1992 that living on a houseboat permanently was illegal.
3. No one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday.
This is another one that sounds weird but has a source! Horse thieves apparently used to put ice cream cones in their back pockets to lure horses away. We're not really sure why this is only applicable one day of the week, but we suspect it might be related to horses being tied up during church.
4. In Acworth, all citizens must own a rake.
This quirky law in Georgia was passed in jest, but it's still on the books. A nearby city, Kennesaw, passed a law in 1982 declaring all citizens had to own a gun. Acworth retaliated saying all of their citizens needed a rake.
5. In Athens-Clarke County, adult bookstores may not sell alcohol.
Not just one of the odd laws in Georgia, this is also a law in Tennessee, though many adult bookstore owners have attempted to fight it in court.
6. Also in Athens-Clarke County: if you want to read your favorite book in public to your friends, do it before 2:45 AM.
We're not sure what led to this, but it probably was related to Athens being the home of the notorious party school, the University of Georgia.
7. Athens-Clarke County again: Goldfish may not be given away to entice someone to enter a game of bingo.
We actually like this one strange law in Georgia! It supports animal welfare, as goldfish given away in carnival games typically are not well cared for or beloved family members.
8. Owners of mules may not allow their animals to roam around Athens-Clarke County unsupervised.
At least you won't see any stray mules in Athens!
9. Persons under the age of 16 may not play pinball after 11 p.m. in Athens-Clarke County.
Athens is taking all the fun out of everything!
10. It is also illegal to make a disturbing sound at a fair in Athens-Clarke County.
We're really curious as to what caused this to become one of the strange laws in Georgia.
11. If you're going out of business in Athens-Clarke County, you will need a business license to hold a going-out-of-business sale.
12. In Athens-Clarke County, it is illegal to sell two beers for the price of one.
No BOGO sales on your beers!
13. While Georgia runs its own lottery, it's illegal to promote a private lottery. This is done under the guise of the government protecting its citizens.
Seems safe, as private lotteries could certainly lead to fraud.
14. If an organization non-registered as a “non-profit” fails to register its raffle with the local sheriff, that group risks paying up to $10,000 in fines and spending five years in jail.
15. Members of the state assembly cannot be ticketed for speeding while the state assembly is in session.
Hmm...we guess they're speeding to go vote on more dumb laws in Georgia?
Have you broken any of these weird laws in Georgia? Do you know of any more unexpectedly illegal things in Georgia? Share your knowledge in the comments!
Aside from weird Georgia laws, the Peach State has several other quirks. To learn more about them, check out our list of weird things about Georgia.
There's lots more to Georgia than wonderfully weird facts, though. For instance, there are tons of great attractions in Georgia. Visit Trusted Tours and Attractions to learn about the must-visit attractions in Georgia.
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