If you grew up in Kentucky then you hopefully know that the Bluegrass State is a pretty great place to be. Not only do we have friendly people and beautiful cities and towns, but there are endless opportunities for childhood memories that include everything from touring a cave to visiting the place where baseball stars get their bats. Of course, every Kentucky kid should experience a summer of swimming holes and local ice cream shops and snow days of zipping down the neighborhood hill, but if you want to have even more adventures, check out our official Kentucky Kid Bucket List for every youngster in the Bluegrass State.

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It’s safe to say that little ones who grow up in the Bluegrass State are lucky, especially if they are able to complete this Kentucky Kid Bucket List. And even if you only make it to one or two of these favorite destinations in Kentucky, there are endless memories to be made while growing up in our beautiful state. Has your family completed this list? What would you add to it? Let us know in the comments!

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