As local travel experts, we know what travelers are looking for when it comes to finding the perfect accommodations for their next trip. To compile our lists, we scour the internet to find properties with excellent ratings and reviews, desirable amenities, nearby attractions, and that something special that makes a destination worthy of traveling for.

Did you know there’s actually no international standard for rating hotel quality? That’s why you may look up a hotel and see different star ratings on different sites – while there are general guidelines, there aren’t any hard and fast rules. However, when it comes to five-star hotels, you know you’re getting the best of the best. These hotels have incredible service, with luxurious amenities in top-tier facilities. We are fortunate to have many great hotels in Connecticut, and one of the very best of the best is the Mayflower Inn and Spa in Washington. With just one visit, you’ll see why this spot is worth its five-star rating.

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For more information about the Mayflower Inn and Spa, check out the hotel’s website or Facebook page.

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