Virginia is a land of natural wonders, this cannot be denied. But we wanted to take some time to appreciate some of the magic that has been created by Virginians. Some of these creations have been around for hundreds of years, while others are relatively recent. And a few that you’ll find on this list are just plain out of this world.
1. Monticello
Monticello was built by one of the most brilliant and beloved Virginians, Thomas Jefferson. Many are familiar with the exterior vision of this frequently-visited spot, but few realize that the president spent 40 years crafting what he believed to be an "essay in architecture."
2. Colonial Williamsburg
The amount of effort that has gone into the restoration of Williamsburg since 1930 has resulted in the enchanting town we enjoy today. Visitors can now immerse themselves in this historic village and imagine what life was like in America's early days.
3. Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is 105 miles of road that winds through the Blue Ridge Mountain. The project began in 1930, and took truly innovative technology to complete. This windy road will offer views you won't soon forget.
4. Maymont
The fact that the waterfalls in Maymont Park are man made does not make them any less extraordinary. 100 acres of land, gardens, flowers, and animals makes for one of the most magical spots in Richmond.
5. The Appalachian Trail
Although the Appalachian Trail runs from Georgia to Maine, nearly a quarter of it winds its way through Virginia. This trail system has taken many hikers through some of the most pristine areas in the state.
6. Virginia State Capitol Building
The Virginia Statehouse is the second-oldest Capitol Building that has been in continuous use. The inspiration for this building came from a Roman Temple admired by Thomas Jefferson in France.
7. Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
The bridge tunnel may not be the most visually stunning spot in Virginia, but it's hard to deny how incredible a feat it was to build. Built in 1964, it's the gateway to the eastern shore and stretches 17.6 miles.
8. Foamhenge
Foamhenge may not have as much history as some of these other sites, but it is an incredible man made wonder nonetheless. This life-size replica of Stone Henge is made entirely of foam.
What are some of your other favorite man made places in Virginia? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below!
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