Creepy places abound in Rhode Island! From haunted mansions and libraries, to ghostly farm houses and even ghost inflicted city halls, the paranormal activity is all over. One place in particular might seem like a typical beautiful state park to spend an afternoon, but when you hear the urban legends associated with it you might start to get a little creeped out. If you've ever been to Colt State Park, it might be good to read the ghost stories to know what you're dealing with.
Colt State Park is located in the historic deepwater seaport town of Bristol. Occupying 464 acres of land, the park holds a gorgeous and expansive shoreline with much of it being located along Narragansett Bay.
Often referred to as the "gem of the state park system," few have heard the ghostly urban legends associated with the place. Two separate tragic incidents reportedly led to the ghosts found at the park today.
According to legend, the park was a large working farm until the 20th century and a farm hand perished in the former barn. It's said the ghost of this worker lingers in the park office and is responsible for slamming doors, turning lights on and off, and other terrifying behavior.
The second paranormal tale reports that the ghostly voices and laughter of young girls can be heard along the shore at the park. Legend suggests that two children drowned at the park and still haunt the area.
Could these just be urban legends retold and exaggerated over time, or could the disembodied souls who perished in the park really remain?
Whether there is any truth to the tales, or not, the park is certainly worth visiting if you're brave enough. The beautiful landscape and scenic views are breathtaking, regardless of the ghosts you may, or may not run into.
Have you been to this alleged haunted park in Rhode Island? You can find it on Route 114 in Bristol. For another Rhode Island ghost story, click here.
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