A lot of people overlook Kentucky, making it one of the most underrated states in the U.S. Visitors come around for the Kentucky Derby, but during the rest of the year, not much draws people to our beautiful state. We have so much to offer from our beautiful forests to our gorgeous water ways. We also have a great deal of history nestled within our well forested borders. Frankly, people who underrate Kentucky just don’t know what they are missing.

Here are 15 reasons why the Bluegrass State is completely underrated:

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These are just a few reasons why Kentucky should be rated a little higher up on the state scale, and get the respect it actually deserves.  There are countless other reasons why we should be holding our heads high and taking pride in our colorful history and current achievements. Kentucky is a beautiful state, filled with beautiful, good hearted people, and an amazing amount of history. What other reasons do you, my wonderful readers, think should bring Kentucky the recognition it deserves?

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